Subject: Insults (Page 10)

What he lacks in intelligence, he makes up for in stupidity.

They never open their mouths without subtracting from the sum of human knowledge.

(1839 – 1902) Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

The first time I saw you on stage I realized what a wonderful voice you've got; I think you're so brave not to have had it trained.

(1836 – 1911) English dramatist, librettist, poet & illustrator

… you're so crooked that if you swallowed a nail you'd shit a corkscrew.

(1898 – 1979) British military commander

You can’t get Negro help like that, anymore… wow, to have a guy who can sing, dance – and dust!

(1926 – 2017) American stand-up comedian & actor

John Montague to John Wilkes: You will either die on the gallows or of a loathsome disease.

Wilkes’ reply: That depends on whether I embrace your principles or your mistress.

(1725 – 1797) English radical, journalist & politician

He got a reputation as a great actor by just thinking hard about the next line.

(1894 – 1982) American film director, film producer & screenwriter

Elizabeth Taylor has more chins than the Chinese telephone directory.

(1935 – 2014) American comedian, television personality, writer & director

Mariah the fashion pariah… the queen of catastrophic kitsch.

Richard Blackwell (1922 – 2008) fashion critic, journalist, & designer

I had to pull him out, otherwise nobody would have believed I didn’t push him in.

(1937 – 1995) English satirist, writer & comedian

Avoid all needle drugs – the only dope worth shooting is Richard Nixon.

(1936 – 1989) American social & political activist

The best time I ever had with Joan Crawford was when I pushed her down the stairs in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?

(1908 – 1989) American actress of film, television & theater

Joe Frazier is so ugly he should donate his face to the US Bureau of Wildlife.

(1942 – ) American boxing champion

Oscar Wilde's talent seems to me to be essentially rootless, something growing in glass on a little water.

(1852 – 1933) Irish writer, poet, art critic & dramatist

He was humane but not human.

(1894 – 1962) American poet, painter, essayist, author & playwright

She resembles the Venus de Milo: she is very old, has no teeth, and has white spots on her yellow skin.

(1797 – 1856) German critic & poet

He is a silk stocking filled with dung.

(1769 – 1821) French general & politician

For God's sake, go and tell that young man to take that Rockingham tea service out of his tights.

(1899 – 1973) English playwright, actor, composer, director & songwriter

The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it’s unfamiliar territory.

(1901 – 1983) American film & television actor

[Lloyd George] did not seem to care which way he travelled providing he was in the driver’s seat.

(1879 – 1964) Anglo-Canadian business tycoon, politician & writer

You don’t need big boobs to be feminine… look at Liberace.

(1935 – 2014) American comedian, television personality, writer & director