Subject: Insults (Page 11)

As a simple countryman, he distrusted the use of money and, finding barter cumbersome, preferred to steal.

(1941 – 2008) British journalist, musician &broadcaster

The bosom friend of senators and congressmen was about as daring as an early Shirley Temple movie.

(1894 – 1961) author, cartoonist & humorist

What can you do with a man who looks like a female llama surprised when bathing?

(1874 – 1965) British prime minister, politician, statesman & orator

Nature was not content with denying him the ability to think, has endowed him with the ability to write.

(1859 – 1936) English classical scholar & poet

Wagner has beautiful moments but awful quarter hours.

(1792 – 1868) Italian composer

His [Ted Cruz’s] face looks like the entire movie Dick Tracy pushed together.

(1982 – ) American comedian, actor, writer & producer

He [Bernard Shaw] hasn’t an enemy in the world, and none of his friends like him.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

You'd think such a little mind would be lonely in such a big head.

(1852 – 1917) English actor & theater manager

Elizabeth Taylor looks like two small boys fighting underneath a thick blanket.

Richard Blackwell (1922 – 2008) fashion critic, journalist, & designer

He combines the manners of a Marquis with the morals of a Methodist.

(1836 – 1911) English dramatist, librettist, poet & illustrator

A senescent bimbo with a lust for home furnishings.

(1941 – ) feminist, sociologist & political activist

I've had them both, and I don't think much of either.

(1903 – 1979) British actress, theatre director & author

His style has the desperate jauntiness of an orchestra fiddling away for dear life on a sinking ship.

(1895 – 1972) writer and literary & social critic

The biggest bug in the manure pile.

(1909 – 2003) American director & actor

Like all self-made men he worships his creator.

Calling Kathy Lee 'entertainment' is like falling off the roof and calling it transportation.

American actor & stand-up comedian

He would not blow his nose without moralizing on conditions in the handkerchief industry.

(1903 – 1974) English intellectual, literary critic & writer

He loves nature in spite of what it did to him.

(1919 – 1986) American actor

Waldo is one of those people who would be enormously improved by death.

(1870 – 1916) British writer

Bill Clinton's foreign policy experience is pretty much confined to having had breakfast once at the International House of Pancakes.

(1938 – ) political commentator, author, columnist, politician & broadcaster

Having your taste criticized by Dorothy Kilgallen is like having your clothes criticized by Emmett Kelly.

(1936 – ) television talk show host