Subject: Insults (Page 15)

What do you eat for dinner … furniture?

(1926 – 2017) American stand-up comedian & actor

She probably thinks Sinai is the plural of sinus.

(1942 – ) British politician

She’s like an apple turnover that got crushed in a grocery bag on a hot day.

(1947 – ) American author, teacher & social critic

Devotees of awful filmmaking can't go wrong with this one.

movie critic

McEnroe was as charming as always, which means that he was as charming as a dead mouse in a loaf of bread.

(1939 – ) Australian author, critic, broadcaster, poet & memoirist

He was distinguished for ignorance; for he had only one idea and that was wrong.

(1804 – 1881) British prime minister, politician & author

A fungus of pendulous shape.

(1848 – 1892) daughter of Henry James

She could carry off anything; and some people said that she did.

(1862 – 1933) British novelist

Ambassador Trentino: I didn’t come here to be insulted!

Rufus T. Firefly: That’s what you think!

(1890 – 1977) comedian, actor & television host

Tell me the story of that frock Judy, it's obviously an old favorite; you were wise to remove the curtain rings.

(1934 – ) Australian comedian, satirist, artist, & author

I would not want Jimmy Carter and his men in charge of snake control in Ireland.

(1916 – 2005) American politician & poet

If ever a single person was living proof that intelligence is a meaningless quality without modest common sense, it was Susan Sontag.

(1947 – ) English-born Irish journalist & writer

Berlioz composes by splashing his pen over the manuscript and leaving the issue to chance.

(1810 – 1849) Polish composer & virtuoso pianist

He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire.

(1874 – 1965) British prime minister, politician, statesman & orator

She was divinely, hysterically, insanely malevolent.

(1908 – 1989) American actress of film, television & theater

In the first place God made idiots; that was for practice; then he made school boards.

Samuel Clemens (1835 – 1910) author & humorist

Alfred Hitchcock: One look at you and I know there's famine in the land.

Shaw’s reply: One look at you, Mr. Hitchcock, and I know who caused it.

(1856 – 1950) Irish playwright & socialist

I wouldn’t speak to her if I met her in hell and she was carrying ice.

She resembles the Venus de Milo: she is very old, has no teeth, and has white spots on her yellow skin.

(1797 – 1856) German critic & poet

He makes a very handsome corpse and becomes his coffin prodigiously.

(1828 – 1897) Scottish writer

That woman’s as cold as a nudist on an iceberg.

cartoon character (Mel Blanc)