Subject: Insults (Page 4)

If ignorance ever goes to $40 a barrel, I want drilling rights on George Bush's head.

(1943 – ) U.S. agriculture commissioner, columnist, activist & author

A little emasculated mass of inanity.

(1858 – 1919) 26th U.S. president

The French are sawed-off sissies who eat snails and slugs and cheese that smells like people's feet.

(1947 – ) author, humorist & satirist

The first time I saw you on stage I realized what a wonderful voice you've got; I think you're so brave not to have had it trained.

(1865-1940) English actress

Poor George [Bush], he can't help it; he was born with a silver foot in his mouth.

(1933 – 2006) politician

I treasure every moment that I do not see her.

(1906 – 1972) pianist, composer, author, comedian & actor

If they can make penicillin out of moldy bread, they can sure make something out of you.

(1942 – ) American boxing champion

He stood on the flat road to heaven and buttered slides to hell for all the rest.

(1841 – 1935) American jurist & Supreme Court justice

It would be possible to say without exaggeration that the miners’ leaders were the stupidest men in England if we had not frequent occasion to meet the owners.

(1872 – 1930) British statesman, politician & lawyer

His voice was the most obnoxious squeak I ever was tormented with.

(1775 – 1834) English critic & essayist

A hyena in syrup.

(1933 – ) Russian poet, novelist, screenwriter, actor, editor & film director

When his time comes I shall buy a piece of the rope for a keepsake.

Samuel Clemens (1835 – 1910) author & humorist

They don't hardly make 'em like him any more… but just to be on the safe side, he should be castrated anyway.

(1937 – 2005) journalist & author

I may not know much, but I know chicken shit from chicken salad.

(1908 – 1973) 36th U.S. president

Like all self-made men he worships his creator.

He was distinguished for ignorance; for he had only one idea and that was wrong.

(1804 – 1881) British prime minister, politician & author

The only man, woman, or child who ever wrote a simple declarative sentence with seven grammatical errors is dead.

(1894 – 1962) American poet, painter, essayist, author & playwright

I believe that Lady Gaga is like a carnival ride; from a distance she looks fun, but up close, you don’t wanna climb on that.

(1957 – ) American comedian

Why don’t you come over tonight? … our dog’s in heat.

(1947 – ) author, humorist & satirist

I have met a lot of hardboiled eggs in my time, but you’re twenty minutes.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

His favorite exercise is climbing tall people.

(1917 – 2012) comedian & actress