Subject: Intelligence » Ideas (Page 2)

He can compress the most words into the smallest ideas of any man I ever met.

(1809 – 1865) 16th U.S. president

Ideas endure and prosper in inverse proportion to their soundness and validity.

Did you ever notice that when a politician does get an idea he usually gets it all wrong.

(1878 – 1937) humorist, journalist & author

About the only thing you can say for his constipation of ideas is his diarrhea of words.

(1882 – 1958) drama critic, editor

Every great idea has a disadvantage equal to or exceeding the greatness of the idea.

A poem is no place for an idea.

(1853 – 1937) journalist, writer & editor

Those who express random thoughts to legislative committees are often surprised and appalled to find themselves the instigators of law.

People will accept your idea much more readily if you tell them Benjamin Franklin said it first.

Ideas pull the trigger, but instinct loads the gun.

(1878 – 1937) humorist, journalist & author

A professor must have a theory as a dog must have fleas.

(1880 – 1956) journalist, essayist, editor & satirist

It sounds good on paper.

In a war of ideas it is people who get killed.

(1909 – 1966) Polish poet, writer & aphorist

Never hesitate to steal a good idea.

(1924 – 2013) American businessman, author & columnist

He objected to ideas only when others had them.

(1906 – 1990) British historian

Every revolutionary idea – in Science, Politics, Art or whatever – evokes three stages of reaction. They may be summed up by the three phrases: 1. It is completely impossible; don't waste my time. 2. It is possible, but it is not worth doing. 3. I said it was a good idea all along.

When I need a little advice about Saddam Hussein, I turn to country music.

(1924 – 2018) 41st U.S. president

When a politician gets an idea, he usually gets it wrong.

Plagiarism: Failure to adorn stolen ideas with footnotes, as opposed to scholarship, which repeatedly acknowledges the theft.

Every good idea sooner or later degenerates into hard work.

(1935 – ) columnist, journalist & novelist

I can’t understand why people are frightened of new ideas; I’m frightened of old ones.

(1912 – 1992) American composer, writer & artist

A good idea is one that hits the other fellow with a bolt of envy.