Subject: Intelligence (Page 45)

Engineers are all basically high-functioning autistics who have no idea how normal people do stuff.

(1971 – ) Canadian blogger, journalist & science fiction author

If you make something idiot-proof, the world will create a better idiot.

An intellectual is a man who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows.

(1890 – 1969) 34th U.S. president, U.S. Army General

If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull.

(1880 – 1946) comedian, actor, juggler & writer

Am I getting smart with you? … how would you know?

(1975 – ) American stand-up comedian & television host

Nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it.

(1533 – 1592) French writer

The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working when you get up in the morning, and doesn't stop until you get into office.

(1874 – 1963) American poet

I’m all in favor of the democratic principle that one idiot is as good as one genius, but I draw the line when someone takes the next step and concludes that two idiots are better than one genius.

(1898 – 1964) Hungarian-American physicist

He would come in and say he changed his mind… which was a gilded figure of speech, because he didn't have any.

Samuel Clemens (1835 – 1910) author & humorist

The first rule of intelligent tinkering is to save all the parts.

(1932 – ) American biologist & educator

Oh good, now he’ll be bi-ignorant.

(1943 – ) U.S. agriculture commissioner, columnist, activist & author

Never enter a battle of wits unarmed.

I prefer rogues to imbeciles because they sometimes take a rest.

(1824 – 1895) French writer

Just think of something stupid to say and then don't say it.

(1911 – 1980) humorist, writer, television host & journalist

I guess the definition of a lunatic is a man surrounded by them.

(1885 – 1972) expatriate American poet & critic

I’ll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there’s evidence of any thinking going on inside it.

(1948 – ) English novelist

If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.

(1879 – 1955) German-born physicist

Psychic: An individual having an uncanny, seemingly supernatural, talent for extracting money from morons.

American author

One thing about being narrow-minded: you'll never be lonely.

(1927 – ) Canadian-born American comedian & actor

There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life.

(1940 – 1993) composer, guitarist, record producer & film director

[George W.] Bush doesn’t know the names of countries, he doesn’t know the names of foreign leaders, he can’t even find the Earth on a globe.

(1956 – ) American comedian