Subject: Intelligence » Stupidity (Page 4)

Can't find his ass with two hands and a flashlight

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who are proud of it.

(1887 – 1964) English biographer, critic, novelist & poet

Only one percent of the oil pollution in the sea is the result of oil drilling, while 63 percent is the result of natural seepage on the ocean floor.

(1969 – ) U.S. Representative (Delaware)

You two are just dumber than a bag of hammers.

(1961 – ) American actor, director, producer & screenwriter

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

(1706 – 1790) American statesman, author, scientist & inventor

The number of people watching you is directly proportional to the stupidity of your action.

It’s easy to smile when you have a squirrel’s intellect.

(1971 – ) Irish comedian, actor & writer

What better way to head off more oil drilling, nuclear plants, than by blowing up a rig? … I'm just noting the timing, here.

(1951 – ) American conservative radio talk-show host

Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe; I dispute that… I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe.

(1940 – 1993) composer, guitarist, record producer & film director

I tell you boy, the wheel is turning, but the hamster is dead.

(1962 – ) American ventriloquist & stand-up comedian

You can never underestimate the stupidity of the general public.

(1957 – ) cartoonist (Dilbert)

To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost.

(1821 – 1880) French novelist

While he was not as dumb as an ox, he was not any smarter either.

(1894 – 1961) author, cartoonist & humorist

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

American scientific companies are cross-breeding humans and animals and coming up with mice with fully functioning human brains.

(1969 – ) U.S. Representative (Delaware)

If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask?

(1957 – ) cartoonist (Dilbert)

Your head is as empty as a hermit's address book.

(1955 – ) English actor

In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.

(1769 – 1821) French general & politician

One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain't nothin' can beat teamwork.

(1927 – 1989) author, essayist & environmentalist

The probability of someone watching you is proportional to the stupidity of your action.

Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.