Subject: Intelligence » Wisdom (Page 3)

He was so learned that he could name a horse in nine languages; so ignorant that he bought a cow to ride on.

(1706 – 1790) American statesman, author, scientist & inventor

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

(1941 – 2008) British journalist, musician &broadcaster

A pipe gives a wise man time to think and a fool something to stick in his mouth.

The reason why so few good books are written is that so few people who can write know anything.

(1826 – 1877) English economist & journalist

Philosophy: Common sense in a dress suit.

There are more fools than wise men, and even in a wise man there is more folly than wisdom.

(1741 – 1794) French writer

Many a man fails as an original thinker simply because his memory is too good.

Every man is a fool for at least five minutes every day; wisdom consists of not exceeding the limit.

(1868 – 1930) cartoonist, humorist & journalist

The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.

(1842 – 1910) American philosopher & psychologist

It's a wise man who profits by his own experience, but it's a good deal wiser one who lets the rattlesnake bite the other fellow.

(1818 – 1885) humorist

Now that I am sixty, I see why the idea of elder wisdom has passed from currency.

(1932 – 2009) author, poet & critic

When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around; but when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.

Samuel Clemens (1835 – 1910) author & humorist

The people sensible enough to give good advice are usually sensible enough to give none.

(1862 – 1960) English writer

Why does it so often take a genius to see the obvious?

(1933 – ) English author & cartoonist