Subject: Death » Last words

Last words:

Humorous, ironic, satirical or just plain odd last words

This is too tight.

(1823 – 1865) Swiss-born Confederate officer in the American Civil War

Ah well I suppose it has come to this… such is life.

(c.1855 – 1880) Irish Australian bushranger & outlaw

I’m not unwell, I’m f**king dying.

(1932 – 1997) British journalist

Well, now I must go to meet God and try to explain all those men I killed at Alamein.

(1887 – 1976) British Army officer

What is the time? Never mind, it’s not important…

(1817 – 1882) Hungarian journalist, writer, poet & translator

I'm sorry, boys, I’m all wet.

(1895 – 1964) comedian (wife & partner of George Burns)

I am about to – or I am going to – die: either expression is correct.

(1628 – 1702) French grammarian

One never knows the ending. One has to die to know exactly what happens after death… although Catholics have their hopes.

(1899 – 1980) English filmmaker & producer

My work is done, why wait?

(1854 – 1932) American innovator & founder of Eastman Kodak

Utter nonsense.

(1884 – 1962) diplomat & reformer & first lady

I don't believe that I'm going to be able to speak any longer.

(1881 – 1965) American Major League Baseball executive

A king should die standing.

(1755 – 1824) King of France

Can this last long?

(1650 – 1702) Dutch ruler over England & Ireland & Scotland

That was a great game of golf, fellas.

(1902 – 1977) American singer & actor


(1892 – 1918) German fighter pilot widely known as the Red Baron

Mozart! Mozart!

(1860 – 1911) Austrian composer

Yes, it's tough, but not as tough as doing comedy.

(1877 – 1959) English theatre & film actor

Tell the boys I'm coming home.

(1901 – 1934) American burglar & bank robber

Never drive at night.

(1834 - 1902) American manufacturer

More weight.

(c.1611 – 1692) a prosperous farmer and church member in early colonial America who died under judicial torture during the Salem witch trials

Now why did I do that?

(1728 – 1795) British Army commander