Subject: Malaprops (Page 34)

Tonight, I become a lesbian.

(1971 – ) American actress

Umbiblical cord

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

Commenstrual with my experience.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

It was a very heart-rendering story.

You’d think I was Lazarus rising from the bed.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

I’ve got a tooth that’s driving me to extraction.

ventriloquist dummy of Edgar Bergen (1903 – 1978)

Tell her I ain’t crawlin’ home to her with my tail between her legs.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

Have no delusions about the past.

In bed, I’m totally impudent… [later] I got the feeling my prudence is coming back.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

Beat your tambourines with the Hairy Knishes.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

I guess you could say I'm an internal optometrist.

The chickens have come home to roast.

(1905 – 1974) radio comedian

Many nations adopt a tit for tit policy.

Ya look like one of those pall buriers at a funeral.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

He’d go through the house like Typhoon Mary.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

This is unparalyzed in the state's history.

Texas politician

Texas has a lot of electrical votes.

(1925 – 2015) baseball player, coach & manager

Just remember the words of Patrick Henry – ‘Kill me or let me live.’

football coach

Welfare incipients

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

Legitimate reality company

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

The two of you was intricate together.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)