Subject: Marriage (Page 11)

The poor wish to be rich, the rich wish to be happy, the single wish to be married, and the married wish to be dead.

(1918 – 2002) advice columnist

I want to marry the kind of girl that walks out of an abortion clinic with a lollipop.

(1978 – ) American writer & stand-up comedian

A wife is a friend first, a lover second, and third and probably most important, a maid.

(1982 – ) American author

Politics doesn't make strange bedfellows, marriage does.

(1890 – 1977) comedian, actor & television host

When my wife gets a little upset, sometimes a simple “Calm down” in a soothing voice is all it takes to get her a lot upset.

Divorce: A splitting headache.

When in the course of human affairs – your spouse always finds out.

Here's to our wives and girlfriends… may they never meet!

(1890 – 1977) comedian, actor & television host

Take my wife… please!

(1906 – 1998) English-born American comedian

Marriage is the process of finding out what kind of man your wife would have preferred.

Politicians are wedded to the truth, but like many other married couples they sometimes live apart.

(1870 – 1916) British writer

When you consider what a chance women have to poison their husbands, it's a wonder there isn't more of it done.

(1868 – 1930) cartoonist, humorist & journalist

Acrimony: The holy state of being married.

I never knew what real happiness was until I got married; and by then it was too late.


Basically you're saying marriage is just a way of getting out of an embarrassing pause in conversation.

(1960 – ) English actor

I could be such a wonderful wife to another wife's husband.

(1931 – ) American author & newspaper journalist

You know you’re getting older when you don’t care where your wife goes, just so you don’t have to go along

The secrets of success are a good wife and a steady job… my wife told me.

(1920 – 1991) American poet

After five years of marriage, it is devastating to have the person with the good credit move out.

(1957 – ) American comedian

The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret.

(1906 – 1998) English-born American comedian

No man should marry until he has studied anatomy and dissected at least one woman.

(1799 – 1850) French novelist & playwright