Subject: Miscellaneous (Page 10)

Where are all the Sour Patch parents?

American comedian

I hope I never do anything to bring shame on myself, my family or my other family.

If I tell you a duck can pull a truck, shut up an hook it up.

A living testament to how low a studio will stoop to generate a few bucks.

writer, editor & film reviewer

A whistling woman and a crowing hen never comes to a very good end.

Pretty is as pretty does.

Acupuncture: Waiting for a cure on pins and needles.

I was born on a Friday, but not last Friday.

Peter Marshall: Paul, is there such a thing as a female rooster?

Paul Lynde: Yeah, they're the ones who just go "a doodle doo!"

Our biggest concern this season will be diaper rash.

Vanderbilt football coach

Uglier than the southbound end of a northbound donkey.

Dressed like a Philadelphia lawyer

His brain rolls around in his head like a mustard seed in a five gallon bucket.

I’ve always felt sorry for Jesus ‘cause you know no matter what he ever did, he could never live up to his father.

(1955 – ) American stand-up comedian & actor

I guess the hard thing for a lot of people to accept is why God would allow me to go running through their yards, yelling and spinning around.

Like a two-forty trot

He's tighter than a fiddle string

Cross my heart and hope to eat my weight in goslings.

(1880 – 1946) comedian, actor, juggler & writer

When I was a child, there were times when we had to entertain ourselves.; and usually the best way to do that was to turn on the TV.

He was as mad as a mule chewin' on bumblebees!

The fool’s so lost he don’t know if he’s afoot or on horseback.