Subject: Miscellaneous (Page 15)

Liberty: Consists in giving everyone full right to mind everyone else’s business.

He looks like he stepped out of a bandbox.

That gumbo will make a Chihuahua break a chain.

She’s got tongue enough for 10 rows of teeth.

I’ve got no dog in that fight.

Speaker: I have only ten minutes and hardly know where to begin.

Voice in the back: Begin at the ninth.

If any man says he hates war more than I do, he better have a knife, that’s all I have to say.

When I shake hands with a man, the first thing I do is look him right in the eye. Then I start poking my hand around in the air, like I can’t find his hand. Then, if the guy’s still there, I finally shake it.

Jesus Loves Me But He Can’t Stand You

Well, shut my mouth.

A blue million

If enough people tell you you’re dead, you ought to lay down.

If I ever become a mummy, I’m going to have it so when somebody opens my lid, a boxing glove on a spring shoots out.

I wouldn't trade you for a farm in Georgia.

Purty as a picture

Peep of day

Rarely has the phrase "going through the motions" felt more fitting.

writer, editor & film reviewer

If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let ‘em go, because, man, they’re gone.

I have to laugh when I think of the first cigar, because it was probably just a bunch of rolled-up tobacco leaves.

She looked like death eating a cracker.

I’m as anxious as a one-eyed cat watching two rat holes.