Subject: Miscellaneous (Page 27)

This is gooder'n grits.

If I tell you a duck can pull a truck, shut up an hook it up.

Four Gotes,  Cambridgeshire, England

Return an answer.

If you can't hang with the big dawgs, get off the porch!

She could eat watermelon through a chicken wire fence.

You’ve got the saw by the wrong tree.

Good Heavenly Days!

You couldn’t catch a catfish in a coffee cup.

like trying to herd cats

So this cowboy walks in to a German car showroom and he says "Audi!"

(1967 – ) English actor, writer & comedian

The bathtub was invented in 1850 and the telephone in 1875 … In other words, if you had been living in 1850, you could have sat in the bathtub for 25 years without having to answer the phone.

(1902 – 1982) American professional baseball executive & club owner

Just cause trouble comes visiting doesn't mean you have to offer it a place to sit down.

Up shit creek without a paddle

Don't gobble in the woods during hunting season.

His front porch light is burnt out.

Slow as Christmas

That ain't worth the powder to blow it to hell.

Don’t Roll Those Bloodshot Eyes At Me

He acts like he’s ten feet tall and bullet-proof.

He was as mad as a mule chewing on bumblebees!