Subject: Miscellaneous (Page 30)

Slow as an iron toad

That's so good it would make a puppy pull a freight train.

He’s so ugly, he’s gotta sneak up on a glass of water to get a drink.

When you die, if you go somewhere where they ask you a bunch of questions about your life and what you learned and all, I think a good way to get out of it is just to say, ‘No speaka English.”

Who put a bee in her bonnet?

Oh for crying in the bucket.

Why do you need a driver’s license to buy liquor when you’re not supposed to drink and drive?

(1946 – ) American comedian

The land that had nourished him and had borne him fruit now turned against him and called him a fruit. Man, I hate land like that.

… as clumsy as a blind dog in a meat house.

80 Proof Bottle of Tear Stopper

The water won’t clear till you get the hogs out of the creek.

I used to carry a rabbit’s foot for luck… then it was a monkey’s paw.. now it’s a camel’s toe.

(1978 – ) American actress, writer & comedian

No bigger than the little end of nothin’ whittled down to a fine point.

One way I think you can tell if you have a curse on you is if you open a box of toothpicks and they all fly up and stick in your face.

Chew the bark off

Instead of mousetraps, what about baby traps? Not to harm the babies, but just to hold them down until they can be removed.

You need to count your fingers after shaking hands with him.

Whenever I need to ‘get away,’ I just get away in my mind; I go to my imaginary spot, where the beach is perfect and the water is perfect and the weather is perfect; the only bad thing there are the flies… they’re terrible!

Turn the truth

He couldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat.

He wouldn’t holler sooey if the hogs was eatin’ em.