Subject: Miscellaneous (Page 31)

She fell out of the ugly tree; and hit every branch on the way down.

What goes over the Devil’s back comes back over his belly.

Do you reckon the Queen has ever pulled a blanket up so just her head’s showing and gone ‘Philip, look at me! I’m a stamp!'

(1980 – ) English comedian, television and radio presenter & actor

You don't have the sense God gave a gnat.

Quicker than a cat can lick’s its ass

Being hugged by Diana Rigg is worth three sessions of chemotherapy.

(1921 – 2000) English Archbishop of Canterbury

Crying like a pine knot in a sawmill.

Where there’s smoke, there’s… pollution.

I’d like to see a movie where a guy is going to die when the sand runs out of an hourglass, but then at the last minute an ant stops the sand from running out. Then the rest of the movie is about the ant.

The thing I don’t get about pedophilia… why the hell do kids find old men in dirty raincoats so sexy?

(1972 – ) Scottish comedian

Southwest Airlines is like my period: it hurts my back and it’s always late.

(1982 – ) American actress & comedian

He’s so tight you could shove a quarter up his ass and he’d grind it into a dime.

I don’t advocate that children start smoking… but for those kids who already do smoke, boy, it’s good, isn’t it?

That's the Irish people all over – they treat a joke as a serious thing, and a serious thing as a joke.

(1880 – 1964) Irish dramatist

She don’t have the sense God gave a gopher.

The Alcohall Of Fame

Tougher than a one-eared alley cat.

Like a suck-egg dog

I’m gonna tan your hide.

Deader than a door nail

I'll snatch you baldheaded.