Subject: Miscellaneous (Page 31)

A face like a bee keepers apprentice

She came down the road like a Tennessee Walker.

The eleventh commandment; “Thou shalt not be found out,” is the only one that is virtually impossible to keep these days.

A near man with a dollar

Oh for crying in the bucket.

If i was feelin any better i'd give five dollars for a good headache.

Don’t start choppin’ till you’ve treed the coon.

So this cowboy walks in to a German car showroom and he says "Audi!"

(1967 – ) English actor, writer & comedian

You look like death eating a cracker.

“This steering wheel really is stuck”, Tom maintained unswervingly.

She has a butt like a forty-dollar mule.

It's come a cloud.

I’ll snatch you bald headed.

My hind foot!

I dream of moving to India, or Pakistan, and becoming a cabdriver.

(1969 – ) comedian & actor

You know one thing that will really make a woman mad?… just run up and kick her in the butt. (P.S. This also works with men.)

You didn’t pick up a crooked stick.

He ain’t a man to tie too.

He/she looked like death eating a cracker.

She's so stuck up, she'd drown in a rainstorm.

Well, shut my mouth.