Subject: Miscellaneous (Page 43)

Took off like Moody's goose

I’ve got an accountant who’s been with me forty years; if he makes a mistake, he dies.

(1926 – 2017) American stand-up comedian & actor

Give me some sugar.

You Done The Wrong Woman Wrong

I wouldn't trade you for a farm in Georgia.

They say the mountain holds many secrets, but the biggest is this: “I am a fake mountain.”

Happy as a clam at high tide

So this cowboy walks in to a German car showroom and he says "Audi!"

(1967 – ) English actor, writer & comedian

Sight for sore eyes

Road Humps

That kid could break an anvil.

Makes my butt wanna grind corn!

Fair to middlin’

A face like a robber’s dog!

If you go parachuting, and your parachute doesn’t open, and your friends are all watching you fall, I think a funny gag would be to pretend you were swimming.

You might think that the favorite plant of the porcupine is the cactus, but it’s thinking like that that has almost ruined this country.

I'll knock you so hard you'll see tomorrow today.

So ugly the tide wouldn’t take her out.

He’s got molasses in his britches.

It is so hot… chickens are laying hard-boiled eggs.

It daddied itself