Subject: Miscellaneous (Page 46)

I said to my wife, ‘Guess what I heard in the pub? … They reckon the milkman has made love to every woman in this road except one’ and she said, ‘I’ll bet it’s that stuck-up Phyllis at number 23.’


He’s so ugly, he’d stop an eight-day clock.

Get a hump on

She’s possum ugly.

I’ll cloud up and rain all over you.

If he had a brain and was a bird, he’d fly backwards.

All the dress shops are sold out in Washington. It’s hard to find a great dress for this inauguration.

(1946 – ) American cretin & 45th U.S. president

Most of the time it was probably real bad being stuck down in a dungeon; but some days, when there was a bad storm outside, you’d look out your little window and think, ‘Boy, I’m glad I’m not out in THAT.’

Don't gobble in the woods during hunting season.

Colder than a well digger's ass

If you want to be the most popular person in your class, whenever the professor pauses in his lecture, just let out a big snort and say “How do you figger that!” real loud. Then lean back and sort of smirk.

All the goodness of a good egg cannot make up for the badness of a bad one.

(1819 – 1897) American journalist, author & senior government official

I think college administrators should encourage students to urinate on walls and bushes, because then when students from another college come sniffing around, they’ll know this is someone else’s territory.

Looks like you came to a goat’s house for wool!

Women wear a pair of panties but only one bra.

(1946 – ) American comedian

You don’t get anything clean without getting something else dirty.

If I was a cowboy in a lynch mob, I think I’d try to stay near the back; that way, if somebody shamed us into disbanding, I could sort of slip off to the side and pretend I was window-shopping or something.

A face like a welder’s bench

What in the Sam Hill are you doing?

Eddie: Mother, are you still on the computer?

Gran: Yes, dear. Sometimes you get into a porn loop and just can’t get out.

(1925 – ) English actress

There’s a world that we know nothing about, that we can only imagine… and that is the world of books.