Subject: Miscellaneous (Page 48)

Her apron’s ridin’ high.

Sweating like a whore in church.

Creaking doors hang the longest.

Within a lash

Like three feet up a bull’s ass

Tougher than a one-eared alley cat.

I’ve always been bad at spelling – not sure whether it’s nature or nurture.

(1955 – ) comedian, actor & writer

Life is simpler when you plow around the stumps.

I don’t pay him no nevermind.

I dream of moving to India, or Pakistan, and becoming a cabdriver.

(1969 – ) comedian & actor

A face like a boiled fist

It's cold enough to freeze the balls off a pool table.

In terms of instant relief, canceling plans is like heroin.

(1982 – ) American comedian, actor, writer & producer

Our humility is what makes us great.

(1937 – 2014) American co-host of radio show “Car Talk”

Whenever someone asks me to define love, I usually think for a minute, then I spin around and pin the guy’s arm behind his back… NOW who’s asking the questions?

He has to sneak up on water fountain to get a drink.

A lot of times when you first start out on a project you think: this is never going to be finished, but then it is, and you think: Wow, it wasn’t even worth it.

I've Never Gone to Bed with an Ugly Woman

Happiness walks on busy feet.

He won’t hit a lick at a snake.

Limberlost,  Missouri