Subject: Miscellaneous (Page 49)

I hope life isn’t a joke, because I don’t get it.

Wouldn’t say soo-ee if the pigs were eating him

Show your linen

You ain’t worth a plug nickel.

Sometimes life seems like a dream, especially when I look down and see that I forgot to put on my pants.

I’m so mad I could eat barbed wire and spit nails.

I’ve always been bad at spelling – not sure whether it’s nature or nurture.

(1955 – ) comedian, actor & writer

Up shit creek without a paddle

The best way to get a puppy is to beg for a baby brother… they’ll settle for a puppy every time.

That dog won't hunt.

Sat there like a bump on a log.

Crying like a pine knot in a sawmill.

To beat the band

If you lived in the Dark Ages and you were a catapult operator, I bet the most common question people would ask is, “Can’t you make it shoot farther?” “No, I’m sorry. That’s as far as it shoots.”

My grandfather invented the cold air balloon… but it never really took off.

(1964 – ) English comedian

Like a buzzard in a tree waiting for a mule to die

I’d like to see a James Bond movie where James Bond gets behind financially and maybe has to take out a bill consolidation loan, because even when he’s applying for the loan he’s still real smart-alecky.

I’ve got no dog in that fight.

Happy as a pig in Palestine.

Will the people in the cheaper seats clap your hands… all the rest of you… if you’ll just rattle your jewelry.

(1940 – 1980) English rock musician, singer & songwriter

I guess I’ll never forget her. And maybe I don't want to. Her spirit was wild, like a wild monkey. Her beauty was like a beautiful horse being ridden by a wild monkey. I forget her other qualities.