Subject: Miscellaneous (Page 51)

I think there should be something in science called the “reindeer effect.” I don't know what it would be, but I think it'd be good to hear someone say, "Gentlemen, what we have here is a terrifying example of the reindeer effect."

Useless as tits on a boar hog

She is so ugly I would hire her to haunt a house.

If you’re robbing a bank and you’re pants fall down, I think it’s okay to laugh and to let the hostages laugh too, because, come on, life is funny.

There’s a world that we know nothing about, that we can only imagine… and that is the world of books.

He could fall down walkin’ from the house to the barn.

This mall Santa seems insulted that I put down that protective paper before sitting on his lap.

(1963 – ) television host & comedian

Whenever you read a good book, it’s like the author is right there, in the room talking to you, which is why I don’t like to read good books.

It's not easy to cut through a human head with a hacksaw.

(1942 – 2008) American author, producer, director & screenwriter

It's gonna be a gully washer.

I haven't seen you since Hector was a pup.

This ain't my first rodeo.

He's three days older than Moses.

He's busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kickin' contest.

A whistling woman and a crowing hen never comes to a very good end.

Don't call him a cowboy, till you've seen him ride.

Don’t start choppin’ till you’ve treed the coon.

She’s so ugly she has to sneak up on a glass of water to get a drink.

When I shake hands with a man, the first thing I do is look him right in the eye. Then I start poking my hand around in the air, like I can’t find his hand. Then, if the guy’s still there, I finally shake it.

What’s the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom? … A pickpocket snatches watches.

(1922 – 1991) American comedian

I’m The Urban Spaceman