Subject: Miscellaneous (Page 51)

Peter Marshall: Helen Gurley Brown recently said of Henry Kissinger, "His most outstanding endearing quality is his ability to make someone feel…" Feel what?

Jan Murray: His thighs.

(1916 - 2006) American stand-up comedian, actor & game show host

So hungry my belly thinks my throat's been cut.

If that ain't right then grits ain't groceries.

One bad thing about Lassie, she was always warning you about something; let me be surprised for a change.

Can of corn

To beat the band

Every old crow thinks hers are the blackest.

My bedroom is so messy, if I died of natural causes, the cops would be like “no he didn’t, clearly there was a struggle”.

American comedian & actor

Georgia buggy

Man was predestined to have free will.

Useless as tits on a boar hog

It'd be quicker to train kudzu.

Somebody told me it was frightening how much topsoil we are losing each year, but I told that story around the campfire and nobody got scared.

All the dress shops are sold out in Washington. It’s hard to find a great dress for this inauguration.

(1946 – ) American cretin & 45th U.S. president

Faster than a scalded dog

You ain’t worth a plug nickel.

Madder than a hornet!

When I think of all the hours and hours of my life I have spent watching television, it makes me realize, Man, I am really rich with television.

Can’t the Marx Brothers be arrested and maybe even tortured for all the confusion and problems they’ve caused?

Instead of building more bombs… let’s find more uses for the ones we already have.

Chugged full.