Subject: Miscellaneous (Page 52)

He looks like the dog's been keepin' him under the porch.

Can’t the Marx Brothers be arrested and maybe even tortured for all the confusion and problems they’ve caused?

Good Heavenly Days!

Don't get your tit in a ringer!

It’s hotter than the hinges of Hell.

Devil's beating his wife with a frying pan

Ready with his hat and slow with his money.

Speaker: I have only ten minutes and hardly know where to begin.

Voice in the back: Begin at the ninth.

Like they do in Alabama

I feel like a lost ball in a high weed.

Be like the old lady who fell out of the wagon.

The dinner bell is always in tune.

Flat as a fritter.

Bank walker

He's steal the bridle off a nightmare.

Gooder than grits

I'm like that guy who single-handedly built the rocket & flew to the moon. What was his name? Apollo Creed?

cartoon character in The Simpsons (Dan Castellaneta)

You can hear her three fields off.

Get a hump on

You're a dime holdin’ up a dollar.

I'm so broke I can't afford to pay attention.