Subject: Miscellaneous (Page 53)

The Alcohall Of Fame

Ain't that the berries!

Crespin’s Law of Observation

If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you’ve never tried before.

Proud as a dog with a hemstitched tail

Cooler than a flip side of a down pillow.

Yeller dope

Toad choker/frog strangler

He ain't sawing logs, he's clearing brush.

A living testament to how low a studio will stoop to generate a few bucks.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you.

If I come back as an animal in my next lifetime, I hope it’s some type of parasite, because this is the part where I take it EASY!

You might think that the favorite plant of the porcupine is the cactus, but it’s thinking like that that has almost ruined this country.

I think man invented the car by instinct.

Plum tuckered

I’m on it like cheese on grits!

… I hadn’t the heart to touch my breakfast; I told Jeeves to drink it himself.

(1881 – 1975) English writer & humorist

Rough as a cob

Don't get your tit in a ringer!

I used to carry a rabbit’s foot for luck… then it was a monkey’s paw.. now it’s a camel’s toe.

(1978 – ) American actress, writer & comedian

Just because there is a rat in the barn doesn’t mean you need to burn it down.