Subject: Miscellaneous (Page 64)

Here’s a tip: if you ever decide to take apart a bird’s nest, to see how it’s made, first make sure it’s not somebody’s basket they got in South America.

Here’s a picture of me with R.E.M.; that’s me in the corner.

(1964 – ) English comedian

Talk the legs off a dead mule – or – talk the hind leg off a donkey

Pissin’ in the wind

Louder than two skeletons fighting on a tin roof.

I'll hit you so hard your children will be born dizzy.

I’m so confused I don’t know whether to scratch my watch or wind my butt.

She's so mad she's gonna raise sand.

No one is ever warmed by wool pulled over his eyes.


But what if dolphins don't want to swim with retarded children?

Canadian stand-up comedian, actor & writer

No fly ever lit on her.

I’ll never forget the time that skunk got under the house and Grandpa went under to get him…. boy, it smelled for months… you know, that was the last time we ever saw Grandpa.

I don’t pay him no nevermind.

Would you raise that winder down! I'm freezin' my tail off!

Mind that frayed cord – it’ll knock your pecker into yer watchpocket!

Hay is just the first stage of bullshit.

She could talk the leg off a horse.

Where there’s smoke, there’s… pollution.

Plantation dog

This mall Santa seems insulted that I put down that protective paper before sitting on his lap.

(1963 – ) television host & comedian

Crespin’s Law of Observation