Subject: Miscellaneous (Page 70)

Sure as a cat has a climbing gear

I wish to my never.

Let me hug your neck.

About as useful as gooseshit on a pumphandle

I’d like to see a James Bond movie where James Bond gets behind financially and maybe has to take out a bill consolidation loan, because even when he’s applying for the loan he’s still real smart-alecky.

There are no requests for jugglers – only ‘Don’t juggle!’

Do you want your dinner now or when you get it.

I’ve wondered where this [fear of clowns] started, and I think it goes back to the time I went to the circus and a clown killed my dad.

There is still time to save the face; later we will be forced to save some other parts of a body.

(1938 – 2010) Russian politician

Well, cut my legs off and call me shorty.

If I ever get burned beyond recognition, and you can’t decide if it’s me or not, just put my funny fisherman’s hat on my head. “See, it’s me!”

If growing up in the ’80s taught me one thing, it’s that my friends and I should have found a treasure map by now.

People need to realize that every time they talk about how “fragile” our planet is, it’s just like asking outer-space aliens to come invade us.

I hope that when I die, people say about me, ‘Boy, that guy sure owed me a lot of money.’

If you put his brain in a gnat's butt, it would fly backwards.

Oh for crying in the bucket.

So tight you can hear him squeak when he walks

Practical Demonkeeping

A face like a bee keepers apprentice

Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream.

(1930 – 1990) English journalist, author & media personality

I guess if I was starving to death I would eat a dog… but not a collie, because I don’t like the taste of collie.