Subject: Misspokements (Page 3)

Marshall's bowling with his head.

Can I sew you to another sheet?

(1844 – 1930) English dean at Oxford whose name is given to the accidental transposition of sounds of two or more words

So, where’s the Cannes Film Festival being held this year?

(1980 – ) popular singer

I owe a lot to my parents, especially my mother and father.

professional golfer

Television has raised writing to a new low.

(1879 – 1974) film producer

I can definitely say, that had the police not been there this morning, there would have been no arrests.

British politician

But obviously, we’ve got to stand with our North Korean allies.

(1964 – ) U.S. governor (Alaska) commentator & author

The vertizontal hold on the TV.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

The ancient Egyptian kings, the fairy-ohs.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

I’m going to graduate on time, no matter how long it takes.

All the Padres need is a fly ball in the air.

(1924 – 2014) American baseball player & announcer

And he’s got the icepack on his groin there, so it’s possibly not the old shoulder injury.

English rugby player & commentator

He’s going for the green – and for those watching in black and white it’s behind the brown.

BBC commentator


television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

Better teams win more often than the teams that are not so good.

professional hockey coach

Those who can, do; those who can't, do not.

(1971 – ) American actress

Sparky is the only guy I know who’s written more books than he has read.

baseball broadcaster

I’m not an athlete; I’m a professional baseball player.

professional baseball player

The Queen's Park Oval -– as its name suggests, absolutely round!

cricket commentator

(After playing an exhibition game in Canada, Logan was surprised to learn that even the kids speak French.)

professional baseball player

Mike Andrews' limits are limitless.

American baseball manager