Subject: Misspokements (Page 34)

Therapy can be a good thing; it can be therapeutic.

professional baseball player

He’s throwing grounders.

(1890 – 1975) American baseball manager

Rich Folkers is throwing up in the bullpen.

(1924 – 2014) American baseball player & announcer

I’ve never had major knee surgery on any other part of my body.

professional basketball player & coach

Tito Fuentes is safe at second with a triple.

(1924 – 2014) American baseball player & announcer

Barack and Michelle Obama] have power in their words; they could refudiate [sic] what it is that this group is saying.

(1964 – ) U.S. governor (Alaska) commentator & author

Today, Pittsburgh beat the Pirates, 6 to 6!

American sportscaster

I’m due at the ballet. They’re doin’ Swoon Lake.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

An ideal mind is the devil's playground.

The officer ain’t interested in no renimiscencesof yours.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

A lot of the seats were half empty.

The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries.

(1961 – ) 44th U.S. president

I am not going to give you a number for it because it’s not my business to do intelligent work.

(1932 – ) American businessman & U.S. Secretary of Defense

That's one of the best sets I've seen him play[Tomas Zib] – although I should preface that by saying I haven't seen him play before

American professional tennis player

I am thinking it right but beating it wrong.

(1899 – 1985) Hungarian-born conductor & violinist

The doctors X-rayed my head and found nothing.

professional baseball player

If England lose now, they will be leaving the field with their heads between their legs!

English cricketer

I'll decide when to write my own obituary.

English cricketer

Well, let's see; there’s… of course… in the great history of America rulings there have been rulings.

(1964 – ) U.S. governor (Alaska) commentator & author

It’s a great advantage to be able to hurdle with both legs.

(1926 – ) English sports commentator

Go ahead, spew it off your chest.