Subject: Misspokements (Page 49)

I'm concentrating so much I don't know what I'm doing half the time.

British boxer

They had us with the walls to our back.

professional baseball player & manage

Fred Davis, the doyen of snooker, now 67 years of age and too old to get his leg over, prefers to use his left hand.

BBC commentator

I love my name: Paris is my favorite city, and Paris without the ‘P’ is “heiress.”

(1981 – ) heiress, socialite, media personality & model

The Mets just had their first .500 or better April since July of 1992.

(1922 – 2014) American baseball player & announcer

If I look confused it is because I am thinking.

(1879 – 1974) film producer

Always we in Russia have something erect that we don’t need instead of what is needed.

(1938 – 2010) Russian politician

Today Chicago, tomorrow's Saturday.

(1971 – ) American actress

I don’t care if it doesn’t make a nickel; I just want every man, woman, and child in America to see it.

(1879 – 1974) film producer

From the waist down, Earl Campbell has the biggest legs I have ever seen on a running back.

(1936 – ) American football coach & television announcer

The Americans sowed the seed, and now they have reaped the whirlwind.

English athlete & politician

That sure did take the steam out of his sails.

Sure there have been injuries and deaths in boxing – but none of them serious.

English professional boxer

I don’t know if he throws a spitball but he sure spits on the ball.

(1890 – 1975) American baseball manager

Houston has its largest crowd of the night here this evening.

(1924 – 2014) American baseball player & announcer

You guys lineup, alphabetically by height.

football coach

He’s going for the green – and for those watching in black and white it’s behind the brown.

BBC commentator

It was six and half a dozen, and six won.

English football player & commentator

He’s 31 this year – last year he was 30.

(1926 – ) English sports commentator

There are four different cars filling the first four places.

(1923 – ) English motorsport commentator

If we're going to win the pennant, we've got to start thinking we're not as good as we think we are.

(1890 – 1975) American baseball manager