Subject: Mixed metaphors (Page 11)

I guess the foot’s on the other hand now!

He came out of it smelling like a bandit.

…a seething volcano, nine tenths submerged in the melting pot which one day will explode beneath our feet like a boomerang to engulf us all in a whirlwind of dragon's teeth. It will be too late to close the stable-door.

She’s not the toughest cookie on the block.

You’re fighting upstream.

Long road to hoe.

I'm hungry enough to eat cats and dogs.

He smokes like a fish.

He swept the rug under the carpet.

We can still hang our heads high.

He’s like a duck out of water.

It dawned across my head.

Nail our fingers to the mast

She knocked the socks off the ball.

He’s a man without an island.

They don't know yet whether that played a factor in the accident.

Never judge a book by its title.

They’ve taken the horns by the scruff of the neck.

English football player & analyst

We certainly don't want to rock the apple cart.

They paired off, one by one.

I dozed in and off.