Subject: Mixed metaphors (Page 12)

…a seething volcano, nine tenths submerged in the melting pot which one day will explode beneath our feet like a boomerang to engulf us all in a whirlwind of dragon's teeth. It will be too late to close the stable-door.

Living from hand to mouth like the birds of the air

The whole can of wax

The beer flowed like wine.

We want to brand the Renaissance name to the eyeballs in the chairs.

Keep your ear to the grindstone.

You don't have to beat it with a dead horse.

Makes the hair stand up on the edge of my seat

There's more that one way to skin the cat out of the bag.

Looks like the cows have come home to roost.

(1926 – 2010) Canadian actor

Don't bite the hand that lays the golden egg.

Wood fires help fuel climate change.

I hate to put you through all this rigor mortis.

It's hard to catch lightning in a bottle twice.

I knew enough to realize that the alligators were in the swamp and that it was time to circle the wagons.

The gelling period has just started to knit.

England football player

I don't want to step on your thunder.

They're in the trenches; they're on the horse and they're riding it.

I was so excited my heart about fell out of my stomach!

He can squeeze money out of a turnip.

He was between a rock and the deep blue sea.