Subject: Mixed metaphors (Page 13)

Dig a hole in the ground and throw away the key.

(1971 – ) American actress

There's light at the end of this rainbow.

He’s like a duck out of water.

We should continue to ride the horse that brings in the gravy.

That will round out the triangle.

Beijing will collect and melt snow this winter in a bid to quench the water shortage that has plagued the Chinese capital for years.

Time rolled up like a scroll, while the plague nibbled at the edges of their years.

The team must try to get their ship back on the road.

England football player

I knew enough to realize that the alligators were in the swamp and that it was time to circle the wagons.

The record cover was a blank slate in 1939 at Columbia Records.

We need to look at it before the other eyes set foot on it.

I thought it might be a good idea for you to check base with him.

It would bring the public school system crumbling to its knees.

Let dead dogs sleep.

You've gotta stick your neck out on a limb sometimes.

I’ll get it by hook or ladder.

The deputy was willing to cut him a break.

You don't have to beat it with a dead horse.

He shot out of here like a bat out of a belfry.

(1905 – 1974) radio comedian

That'll stick out like a red herring.

The intention is to get a jumpstart on it.