Subject: Mixed metaphors (Page 14)

Don’t cast swine before bears.

The deputy was willing to cut him a break.

… has eaten into the grocery chain’s luxury food side.

I didn't have two minutes to rub together.

Surely we'll dig up the past, in order to bury the hatchet.

Looks like the cows have come home to roost.

(1926 – 2010) Canadian actor

.. drawing the eye… like a magnet

The police are not here to create disorder, they’re here to preserve disorder.

Run it up the flag pole and see what sticks.

A heart as big as gold

We had some hiccups in the road.

It’s up to them, the tide is in their court now.

English former football player & manager

It’s like looking for a needle in a hayride.

He'll take your head off at the blink of a hat.

It's time to grab the bull by the tail and look it in the eye.

People were streaming out of town to escape the floods.

If everything is good in the henhouse, you see don’t have to go out for eggs.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

She’s come out of this one looking like a rose.

He'll argue until the cat turns blue.

With Lenny in, Carl will fold like a domino!

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