Subject: Mixed metaphors (Page 14)

Don't bite the hand that lays the golden egg.

Streams of pilgrims, old and young… flood towards the river to worship.

I'd walk a mile in a camel's shoes to pass through the eye of a needle.

Now the shoe is on the other horse!

A heart as big as gold

Don't count all your eggs in one basket.

…a seething volcano, nine tenths submerged in the melting pot which one day will explode beneath our feet like a boomerang to engulf us all in a whirlwind of dragon's teeth. It will be too late to close the stable-door.

Money roots out all evil.

The sacred cows have come home to roost with a vengeance.

In the words of Harry S. Truman: If it's too hot in the kitchen, stay away from the cook.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

Haven't we beat that with a dead stick?

Right between the nose

Walking with your head between your legs.

He's the meanest man on the face of the universe.

Idle hands are the mother of invention.

Does the Pope shit in the woods?

Talk about rubbing salt in the fire!

If you don't wear your seat belt, you're just a missile waiting to happen.

I think we got on like a house gathering no moss.

When you boil it down to its nuts and bolts

We’re on the same page length.