Subject: Mixed metaphors (Page 17)

Fiddling with his guitar

It'll be a cold day in January when that happens!

Due process of elimination

It's like locking the barn door after the nuts have bolted.

You're pulling my leg over my eyes.

It used to be sheep [waking me in the morning] and that's bad enough, but cows are a whole different kettle of fish.

We don't need to skirt around the bush.

It's time to step up to the plate and cut the mustard.

The early worm is being picked first.

Where do you draw the line? … Everything has to have been drawn originally.

I thought it might be a good idea for you to check base with him.

There wasn’t a dry tear in the place.

The rain was coming down in droves!

I’m just talking out loud.

We are just scratching the tip of the iceberg.

You might think the Channel Islands are a backwater.

You can put the cart before the horse, but you can't make him drink.

The lining's always more silver on the other side of the cloud.

He ran a cottage industry from his garden shed.

She knocked the socks off the ball.

Nail our fingers to the mast