Subject: Mixed metaphors (Page 18)

It’s all water under the hatchet.

The future of the church depends on passing the torch to the next generation.

They're in the trenches; they're on the horse and they're riding it.

I've been up and down so many times that I feel as if I'm in a revolving door.

If you can't cut the cheese you're out of here!

You got easy regress to safety.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

Where do you draw the line? … Everything has to have been drawn originally.

There's been a lot of spilt milk under the bridge.

They counted the votes until the cows had literally gone to sleep.

This is just a nightmare waiting to happen.

Long road to hoe.

Rattle some feathers.

[a rock group’s] authenticity strikes a chord with fans.

We all act as one heartbeat.

It's six, or one and a half dozen of the other.

They paired off, one by one.

A rolling stone kills no birds.

I'm sweating like a bullet.

If everything is good in the henhouse, you see don’t have to go out for eggs.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

He was watching me like I was a hawk.

Hit the wall running…