Subject: Mixed metaphors (Page 2)

I want to see you go to town like a house of fire.

Which way are the tea leaves blowing?

She may want to tackle that battle.

It was so cold last night I had to throw another blanket on the fire.

That's a hard bubble to crack.

They try to balance a fine line.

The menu was frozen in the amber of 1973.

People tell me one thing one day and out the other.

Get two birds stoned at once.

Obviously for Scunthorpe it would be a nice scalp to put Wimbledon on their bottoms.

English soccer player & manager

I wasn't living under my parents' house anymore.

Take a flying hike.

There are things that will really sink home with you.

We should get our foot in the door and get the ball rolling.

If you don't wear your seat belt, you're just a missile waiting to happen.

You’ve really put your finger on the nail there.

They will never buy the cow if they can get the eggs for free.

(1971 – ) American actress

In the words of Harry S, Truman, “If it’s too hot in the kitchen, stay away from the cook.”

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

You've opened this can of worms, now lie in it.

I could hear the handwriting on the wall.

We're robbing Peter to pay the piper.