Subject: Mixed metaphors (Page 21)

The [outdoor] sculpture park has opened its doors for the summer.

I make it my goal to shake every hand that walks in the door.

As the smoke clears at the devastated detention centre, an investigation reveals how officials ignored the warnings that they were sitting on a powder keg.

We don't need to skirt around the bush.

I will miss seeing him around the shoehorn.

Those two get on like a horse on fire.

Too long they’ve been gettin’ the short end of the totem pole.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

One of the things you have to say for him: he doesn't mince his punches.

(1908 – 1997) German-born teacher, academic & humorist

We want to brand the Renaissance name to the eyeballs in the chairs.

No, I think that was when Abraham Lincoln signed the Declaration of Independence; ya know, fourscore and seven years ago.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

Makes the hair stand up on the edge of my seat

If he were alive today, he’d be turning over in his grave.

When you put your best foot forward, it rubs off on someone.

That was the last hump on the camel.

That will open up a whole new can of issues.

Well, thats as clear as a bull in a china shop.

You’ve really put your finger on the nail there.

Shivers of joy running up and down my throat

Let's clear up a loose end.

The promise of the world’s first low-carbon Olympic flame has gone up in smoke.

Which way are the tea leaves blowing?