Subject: Mixed metaphors (Page 22)

Loose lips sink like a rock.

I've been getting the corpse ahead of the hearse most of my life.

Some people sail through life on a bed of roses like a knife slicing through butter.

Put that in your hat and smoke it.

The writing is on the wall for bookshops.

I wanted to come out of the chute on the right foot.

Loose lips sink like a rock.

We are tipping the iceberg.

Out of the frying pan, into a handbasket.

He smokes like a fish.

You can take that to the bank and smoke it.

Running around like children with their heads cut off

99 times out of ten, that's what you'll get.

Signori has all the tricks up his book.

England football player

It was time to get my act in gear.

If you spill the beans, then you'll open a can of worms.

Changes that will ignite our engines of growth

He ran a cottage industry from his garden shed.

I don't want to hold an open manhole over your head.

Rattle some feathers.

They will never buy the cow if they can get the eggs for free.

(1971 – ) American actress