Subject: Mixed metaphors (Page 23)

The greatest thing since sliced beer.

We are proud to be part of a ground-breaking initiative.

This is up my wheelhouse.

That snake in the grass is barking up the wrong tree.

This is all the fault of that Helen Curly Steinway.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

Up a tree without a paddle

She flew off the deep end.

There's more that one way to skin the cat out of the bag.

This thing is snowballing like a house afire!

One of the things you have to say for him: he doesn't mince his punches.

(1908 – 1997) German-born teacher, academic & humorist

Well, that’s water under the dam.

That’ll separate the men from the goats.

Let's call the kettle what it is!

Is this a whole nother bucket of worms?

It’s all water under the hatchet.

Running around like a chicken with its legs cut off

Sleeping dogs bark the loudest.

He can cry on a dime.

Too many skeletons in her background

If everything is good in the henhouse, you see don’t have to go out for eggs.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

Let’s split the baby with the bathwater.