Subject: Mixed metaphors (Page 24)

You buttered your bread; now you'll have to sleep in it.

I wasn't living under my parents' house anymore.

Lets see who takes the bite on that.

I dozed in and off.

I would not trust him with a ten foot pole.

… forced to wade through a mountain of red tape

I look forward to the day when we can just talk about the ethics of angling without this red herring of whether they can feel pain.

She’s not the brightest bulb in the drawer.

Butcher goes forward as Ipswich throw their last trump card into the fire.

British commentator

Till the cows freeze over.

I thought it might be a good idea for you to check base with him.

Don't bite the hand that lays the golden egg.

He took to it like a fish out of water.

You can’t go in there cold turkey with egg on your face.

The writing is on the wall for bookshops.

We’ll do this individually as a group.

Streams of pilgrims, old and young… flood towards the river to worship.

Hey, I hope you can help me, I’m kind of up against the gun here.

The shit’s gonna hit the stick.

You could take that guy with a grain a salt.

We had some hiccups in the road.