Subject: Mixed metaphors (Page 27)

Keep your ear to the grapevine.

It's so far removed, it goes right over our heads.

Between closed walls

The notion that space was empty, there was no stuff there, was something the mind finds it very difficult to get its head round, she said.

We’re on the same page length.

Some people sail through life on a bed of roses like a knife slicing through butter.

I can't answer that – it's out of my water.

I’m getting up on my feedbox here.

Is this a whole nother bucket of worms?

People were streaming out of town to escape the floods.

He's the meanest man on the face of the universe.

This is all the fault of that Helen Curly Steinway.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

It's like pulling hen's teeth.

Did you hear what they feel?

Beware my friend… you are skating on hot water.

We’ll tackle that bridge when we come to it.

We'll rewind the calendar.

I wanted to come out of the chute on the right foot.

Theres no grass burning under this project.

Stirred the sea into a bowl of boiling cauldron

Let’s not open that can of worms until we get this one nailed down.