Subject: Mixed metaphors (Page 28)

Close the barn door after you've led the horse to water.

Changes that will ignite our engines of growth

The early worm is being picked first.

Theres no grass burning under this project.

You have to shoot where the fish are barking.

The discovery of the preserved bodies “breathed new life into” Arctic exploration.

He was watching me like I was a hawk.

I don't want to step on your thunder.

That's a huge weight lifted off my head.

The horses of Australia’s snowy mountains once served to harness the identity of a nation emerging from colonial rule.

We need to look at it before the other eyes set foot on it.

I've been up and down so many times that I feel as if I'm in a revolving door.

As the smoke clears at the devastated detention centre, an investigation reveals how officials ignored the warnings that they were sitting on a powder keg.

A leopard can't change his stripes.

Not the brightest bulb in the drawer.

That was the last hump on the camel.

The lining's always more silver on the other side of the cloud.

He's cooking his goose deeper and deeper.

It's so far removed, it goes right over our heads.

You've opened this can of worms, now lie in it.

Don't look a gift horse in the eye.