Subject: Mixed metaphors (Page 30)

Streams of pilgrims, old and young… flood towards the river to worship.

There wasn’t a dry tear in the place.

They can crumble as easily as ice cream in this heat.

Hold the Farm!

This is just a nightmare waiting to happen.

Seeing a buzzard catch a rare phalarope is in bird-watching terms, like killing two birds with one stone.

… has eaten into the grocery chain’s luxury food side.

He's cooking his goose deeper and deeper.

You got easy regress to safety.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

It’s time to step up to the plate and lay your cards on the table.

It would bring the public school system crumbling to its knees.

You're sailing close to thin ice.

This will help us to know that we are covering all of the gamuts.

It's like locking the barn door after the nuts have bolted.

Is this a whole nother bucket of worms?

He's between a rock and the deep blue sea.

I'm sweating like a bullet.

Makes the hair stand up on the edge of my seat

It sent goosebumps up my spine.

Fewer and fewer in between

Nail our fingers to the mast