Subject: Mixed metaphors (Page 4)

Sleeping dogs bark the loudest.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

Like stealing cake from a baby

He's really low dog on the totem pole.

It was time to get my act in gear.

Microsoft™ is thoroughly dropping the ball on that front.

The horses of Australia’s snowy mountains once served to harness the identity of a nation emerging from colonial rule.

Keep your ear to the grapevine.

Sleeping dogs bark the loudest.

People who wear glass slippers shouldn't kick stones.

I've been up and down like a light switch.

We can still hang our heads high.

Smoking like a sieve

I'm shooting from the seat of my pants.

They need to wake up and smell the music.

I will miss seeing him around the shoehorn.

That will open up a whole new can of issues.

Brilliant sunshine rained down on the city.

It’s time to grab the bull by the tail and look him in the eye.

We need to sit down and walk through some things.

It's all Greek to a blind horse.

She’s not the toughest cookie on the block.