Subject: Mixed metaphors (Page 8)

Tackle that hurdle

That snake in the grass is barking up the wrong tree.

You were at your wit’s nerve.

… her last day as an eagle… flying off to greener pastures…

As proud as pea soup.

Heart diseases are yet another health care headache.

I don’t think we should jump at straws here.

That was the last hump on the camel.

They are crumbling at the seams.

War is hell on wheels.

The history of the aquatics center shows… that the games’ organizers seem to be willing to spend money like water.

Loose lips sink like a rock.

He's not the brightest cookie in the lamp.

Long road to hoe.

If you don't wear your seat belt, you're just a missile waiting to happen.

The British are often thought of as pioneers in the field of mountain climbing.

Butcher goes forward as Ipswich throw their last trump card into the fire.

British commentator

He's the meanest man on the face of the universe.

Don't count all your eggs in one basket.

That was a dialog we started down.

I’ll get it by hook or ladder.