Subject: Mixed metaphors (Page 9)

The intention is to get a jumpstart on it.

Gorilla see, gorilla do.

Nail our fingers to the mast

The world is your lobster.

You can dish it out, but you can't take it with you.

You have to shoot where the fish are barking.

You can’t change the spots on an old dog.

He is not the sharpest cookie in the jar.

What you need is somebody new… there's more than one fish in the woodpile.

television character, All In the Family (Carroll O’Connor)

It’s better to have half a cake and eat it and enjoy it, than not to have any cake at all.

I guess the foot’s on the other hand now!

I can’t make these split-minute decisions.

It's so far removed, it goes right over our heads.

You could take that guy with a grain a salt.

I don’t think they want to bite off that bullet.

We are tipping the iceberg.

They will never buy the cow if they can get the eggs for free.

(1971 – ) American actress

You're pulling my leg over my eyes.

I was the mother hen to all these little ducks.

We'll rewind the calendar.

An apple a day doesn’t from the tree.