Subject: Money (Page 20)

Markets can remain irrational a lot longer than you and I can remain solvent.

American financial analyst & commentator

Some people get so rich they lose all respect for humanity; that's how rich I want to be.

(1953 – ) comedian, dancer & writer

Utility is when you have one telephone, luxury is when you have two, opulence is when you have three – and paradise is when you have none.

(1926 – ) newspaper columnist

What I'm saying is we were poor, people; I mean, blues singers would show up at our house when they had writer's block – that's how poor we were.

(1954 – ) American comedian, writer & musician

He was so cheap, for example, that when Mary asked for diamonds for her birthday he bought her two of them… the eight and the queen.

(1896 – 1996) comedian, actor & entertainer

I don't like money, actually, but it quiets my nerves.

(1914 – 1981) American boxing champion

The poor and ignorant will continue to lie and steal as long as the rich and educated show them how.

(1856 – 1915) writer, publisher, artist & philosopher

Stock Market: A popular game of chance in which moneyed speculators gamble with the nation’s economy, the object being to amass as much unearned income as possible before one’s fellow gamblers withdraw from the game and precipitate a nationwide depression.

The best simple-minded test of expertise in a particular area is the ability to win money in a series of bets on future occurrences in that area.

We were so poor, every Christmas Eve my old man would go outside and shoot his gun, then come in and tell us kids Santa Claus had committed suicide.

(1921 – ) American boxing champion

It is true that wealth won't make a man virtuous, but I notice there ain't anybody who wants to be poor just for the purpose of being good.

(1818 – 1885) humorist

A fool and your money are soon partners.

Income: The sum of money which it costs more than to live.

Money can’t buy friends, but it can get you a better class of enemy.

(1918 – 2002) Irish comedian, writer, musician, poet & playwright

An idealist is a person who helps other people to be prosperous.

(1863 – 1947) automobile industrialist

If all the nations in the world are in debt, where did all the money go?

(1955 – ) comedian, actor & writer

If it's a good script I'll do it; and if it's a bad script, and they pay me enough, I'll do it.

(1896 – 1996) comedian, actor & entertainer

In many instances, marriage vows would be more accurate if the phrase were changed to ‘Until debt do us part.’

(1920 – 2001) American writer & humorist

I like handicapped men ’cause a handicapped man get a check and a good parking space.

(1971 – ) American comedian & actress

When you get something for nothing, you just haven't been billed for it yet.

(1908 – 1980) businessman, humorist

Nobody ever lost a dollar by underestimating the taste of the American public.

(1810 – 1891) American politician, showman & businessman