Subject: Money (Page 3)

I admit to spending a fortune on women, booze and gambling… the rest I spend foolishly.

(1919 – 1985) Scottish comedian & actor

A rich man is nothing but a poor man with money.

(1880 – 1946) comedian, actor, juggler & writer

There is nothing so habit-forming as money.

(1878 – 1937) humorist, journalist & author

I finally know what distinguishes man from the other beasts: financial worries.

(1864 – 1910) French author

There is nothing more demoralizing than a small but adequate income.

(1895 – 1972) writer and literary & social critic

The most expensive component is the one that breaks.

Whenever you hear the word save, it is usually the beginning of an advertisement designed to make you spend money.

If you don't want to work, you have to work to earn enough money so that you won't have to work.

(1902 – 1971) American humorist & poet

We were so poor, every Christmas Eve my old man would go outside and shoot his gun, then come in and tell us kids Santa Claus had committed suicide.

(1921 – ) American boxing champion

An injured friend of his was going to receive back pay radioactively.

Everything takes more time and money.

A man's respect for law and order exists in precise relationship to the size of his paycheck.

(1908 – 1972) American politician & civil rights leader

Why is it, “A penny for your thoughts,” but, “You have to put your two cents in?” … somebody’s making a penny.

(1955 – ) comedian, actor & writer

Today, it takes more brains and effort to make out the income-tax form than it does to make the income.

fictional mascot and cover boy of Mad, an American humor magazine

They live in a beautiful apartment overlooking their rent.

The safest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it in your pocket.

(1868 – 1930) cartoonist, humorist & journalist

Saving is a very fine thing; especially when your parents have it for you.

(1874 – 1965) British prime minister, politician, statesman & orator

First of all, if you are gambling and you've gotta get change for a nickel – it's over.


Love conquers all things… except poverty and toothache.

(1893 – 1980) actress, playwright, screenwriter & sex symbol

Mausoleum: The final and funniest folly of the rich.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist

When a man tells you that he got rich through hard work, ask him: 'whose?'