Subject: Murphy’s Laws

Murphy’s Laws:

Various “laws,” axioms, principles and observations that usually convey a cynical view of life and an underlying sense of futility. Most do not prove, or even explain anything, but rather simply state a maxim – usually that things will go wrong.

If it looks easy, it's tough… if it looks tough, it's near impossible.

Success always occurs in private, and failure in full view.

Beware of the physician who is great at getting out of trouble.

Incompetence plus incompetence equals incompetence.

An original idea can never emerge from committee in the original.

Murphy's Law was not propounded by Murphy, but by another man with the same name.

Misery no longer loves company. Nowadays it insists on it.

If you dance with a grizzly bear, you had better let him lead.

All other things being equal, the side with the simplest uniforms wins.

1. The last gas station for 50 miles will be closed when you get there. 2. At the moment of any departure, the level of gas in your tank depends entirely on how late you are. 3. You only run out of gas after your wife tells you to stop for gas before you run out.

Negative expectation thwarts realization, and self-congratulation guarantees disaster. (Or, simply put… if you think of it, it won't happen quite that way.)

The faster the plane, the narrower the seats.

Mines are equal opportunity weapons.

History does not repeat itself; historians simply repeat each other.

The longer ahead you plan a special event, and the more special it is, the more likely it is to go wrong.

No boss will keep an employee who is right all the time.

1. Giving away baby clothes and furniture is a major cause of pregnancy. 2. Always be backlit. 3. Sit down whenever possible.

There is always one more bug.

Education is the process of moving from cocksure ignorance to thoughtful uncertainty.

A simple story, however inaccurate or misleading, is preferred to a complicated explanation, however true.

The one course you must take to graduate will not be offered during your last semester.