Subject: Murphy’s Laws (Page 42)

Whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed.

Whenever you cut your fingernails, you will find a need for them an hour later.

Bad law is more likely to be supplemented than repealed.

The net weight of your boots is proportional to the cube of the number of hours you have been on the trail.

An object at rest will be in the wrong place.

1. Any great truth can – and eventually will – be expressed as a cliche.

2. Half of being smart is knowing what you're dumb at.

Everybody is somebody else's weirdo.

If a thing is done wrong often enough, it becomes right.

Flattery is the sincerest form of lying.

There is no limit to how bad things can get.

Any object that is accidentally dropped will hide under a larger object.

First Things First, but not necessarily in that order.

Any military project will take twice as long as planned, cost twice as much, and produce only half of what is wanted.

McGurk's Law

Employees in a hierarchy do not really object to incompetence in their colleagues.

If an idea can survive a bureaucratic review and be implemented, it wasn't worth doing.

If you can keep your head while those around you are losing theirs, you may have misjudged the situation.

The crucial memorandum will be snared in the out-basket by the paper clip of the overlying correspondence and go to file.

The lights are most likely to come back on at the precise moment you find the flashlight.

David Gerrold (1944 – ) science fiction author

If it can be borrowed and it can be broken, you will borrow it and you will break it.

Being frustrated is disagreeable, but the real disasters in life begin when you get what you want.