Subject: Murphy’s Laws (Page 46)

The hardness of the butter is proportional to the softness of the bread.

The first example of superior principle is always inferior to the developed example of inferior principle.

The tire is only flat on the bottom.

You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.

Most accidents in well-designed systems involve two or more events of low probability occurring in the worst possible combination.

The intensity of movie publicity is in inverse ratio to the quality of the movie.

A kind heart is of little value in chess.

If it tastes good, you can't have it; if it tastes awful, you'd better clean your plate.

Name on building: upper class. Name on desk: middle class. Name on shirt: working class

When the weight of the paperwork equals the weight of the plane, the plane will fly.

Smile, tomorrow will be worse.

To make an enemy, do someone a favor.

General solutions to specific problems become specific problems requiring general solutions.

You are always complimented on the item that took the least effort to prepare. Example: If you make roast turkey, you will be complimented on the baked potato.

An object at rest will be in the wrong place.

If you have the facts on your side, hammer the facts. If you have the law on your side, hammer the law. If you have neither the facts nor the law, hammer the table.

The faster a computer is, the faster it will reach a crashed state.

Never worry about the bullet with your name on it; instead, worry about shrapnel addressed to 'occupant.’

Mother nature is a bitch.

Envelopes and stamps which don't stick when you lick them will stick to other things when you don't want them to.

Look after the molehills and the mountains will look after themselves.